The person named Shaik Sultan Bee 45 years old is from very poor Minority
family. She got married to SK Babu who is a daily wages laborer, SK Babu died
with health problem on 2014. They have one son who is married, and he didn’t
take care of his mother Sultan Bee, she is facing financial issues to survive her life,
in that situation she heard about R&R from one of her minority concern named
Nissar who is one of our R&R Family member, he explained about the R&R and his
role. Then she camed to R&R and explained about her background and problems
that she is facing, after hearing problems from her, R&R willing to Donate Rs
5,000/- for her and gave assurance to her that R&R will help whenever she is in
need. She felt very happy thankful to R&R Foundation and Charitable trust.